Consumer Information

Consumer Information

Below is a summary of consumer information made available to all Appalachian State University students as required by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.  Each category gives a brief description of information that is required to be disclosed and where it can be obtained. Consumer information is made available and maintained on the University’s website, however printed copies are available upon request and will be provided by the responsible office during business hours. A notice of the availability of this information (general disclosures, annual security and fire safety report, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, respectively) is emailed to enrolled students, prospective students, and employees as required by regulation.

Institutional Information

Institutional Information

Institutional Information

Includes information about attending Appalachian, the types of academic programs available, cost of attendance, transfer credit policies, and more

Campus Safety & Security

Campus Safety & Security

Campus Safety & Security

The Appalachian Police Department prepares and publishes an Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report. Click here for details.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

Information about financial aid available at Appalachian State University, how to apply, the terms and conditions for receiving aid, and more.

Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes

Information on enrollment, retention, graduation, student body statistics, graduation and completion rates, equity in athletics, etc.

For more information:

For general consumer information questions, please email our Associate Director of Compliance at, call the office at (828)262-2190, or visit us at John E. Thomas Hall, 287 Rivers St, Room 265, Boone NC 28608.