Did You Know That Your Financial Aid Can Travel With You?
The majority of ASU financial aid and most scholarships can apply to Appalachian study-abroad programs. Early planning for study abroad helps you make cost-effective decisions and allows you to prepare finances through saving, scholarships, and financial aid. Securing your financial aid for study abroad is a process that requires working with several offices. Be advised that you should be fully engaged in the process from start to finish. Early planning (at least 6 months to a year) will greatly lessen any challenges you may face.
Steps To Receiving Financial Aid For Studying Abroad
- Apply for financial aid
- Tentatively select your study abroad program
- Contact your Financial Aid Counselor for loan eligibility in order to decide whether or not to commit to the study abroad
- If your program is a semester/year, summer-non faculty-led program, or a short term faculty led program visit the International Student Exchange and Study Abroad Department in the Office of International Programs to be sure you have turned in all that is necessary for that office to provide the Office of Student Financial Aid with the program information for your study abroad.
- Depending on the type of program you are taking and your current loan status, accepting loan offers for your program may be accomplished either by accepting aid through your Appalnet account, by a loan increase form sent to you by email, or by a combination of both.
- Generally, you should receive your financial aid on your student account 10 days prior to the start of your study abroad classes. Student Accounts can then begin the process of any possible refund you may be receiving.
Financial Aid Lead Times
Semester | Financial Aid Award By*** |
Fall Semester | July 15th |
Fall Faculty-Led (including Dec/Jan Break) | November 1st |
Spring Semester | November 15th |
Spring Semester (Late Departure) - Mid Spring | January 15th |
Spring Faculty-Led | December 1st |
Spring Faculty-Led (Late Departure) - Mid Spring | March 1st |
Summer Semester or Faculty-Led | May 1st |
*** Funds cannot post to a student's account until 10 days prior to the start of the program***
The Office Of International Programs will also need to have furnished the Office of Student Financial Aid the complete and final information on the student's program, including course registration for the student by the appropriate above dates.
The Office of Student Financial Aid
Attention Study Abroad
ASU Box 32059
Boone, NC 28608-2059