Satisfactory Academic Progress


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In order to maintain eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid, a student must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward the completion of a degree or a teaching certificate.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has 3 components:

  1. Qualitative. All students must maintain good academic standing based on the standards prescribed in Appalachian State University’s Graduate Bulletin and Undergraduate Bulletin (, as applicable.
  2. Aggregate. Total attempted hours should not exceed 150% of the published length of your degree program. 
  3. Quantitative. You must earn credit in at least 67% of your attempted credit hours for the degree program.

(Watch this short video to learn more about SAP.)


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Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals are submitted through our secure portal, Student Forms. To set up your StudentForms account through AppalNet, follow these instructions. Learn how to upload documents here.

If your SAP appeal is approved, then you will receive an academic plan with conditions they must meet for continued eligibility. If your first appeal was denied and you would like to appeal again, please meet with a financial aid counselor to discuss next steps.


Students who need to appeal to regain their financial aid will need to complete their appeals before the posted deadline for the semester they wish to receive financial aid.  Students who miss the deadline will not be able to apply to regain financial aid for that semester. There is no guarantee that an appeal will be approved. 

 Priority Consideration       Deadline         
Fall July 1stOctober 1st
Spring                       January 2ndMarch 1st                       


University Information on Academic Standing


Academic Assistance Tools