Receiving Your Financial Aid

Financial aid will disburse to your account 10 days prior to the start of the term, as long as you have accepted your awards and completed all requirements.

Financial aid awards are applied toward your semester balance. If your aid exceeds your bill, you may receive the difference in the form of a refund from the Office of Student Accounts. You have the option to set up Direct Deposit through your TouchNet account. If you choose not to set up Direct Deposit, your refund check will be mailed to your home address. 


Common issues that may prevent aid from disbursing to your account:

  • You have not completed entrance counseling or signed your MPN (Master Promissory Note) at StudentAid.Gov.
  • Your parent has not signed the PLUS Loan MPN at StudentAid.Gov.
  • Your enrolled hours do not meet the requirements of your aid.
  • You have outstanding requirements on your account.